Dream Weaver

A six-month coaching program to manifest your dream life.

Enrich your relationships and attract abundance through identifying your purpose and activating your intuition.

Are you feeling…

  • Stuck — like you don’t know what to do?

  • Drained or Burnt Out — like you have no energy?

  • Unmotivated in Your Career — like you’ve lost your drive?

  • Unsure of Your Purpose — and unclear on how to find it?

Do you long for…

  • Freedom in Your Schedule — more space to prioritize yourself?

  • Clear Intuition — trusting what you feel deep down?

  • Greater Health — a more balanced lifestyle?

  • A Like-Minded Community — support from people just like you?

You’ll receive…

• Two Group Coaching Sessions each month

• One 1:1 Coaching Session with Gabriella per month

• Access to The Starseed Collective

• Techniques on Energy Healing and Balance

WhatsApp Support outside of sessions

  • “Gabriella is a phenomenal coach who helps you stay accountable throughout the entire process. I have developed skills that will serve me at every stage of my life.”

    — ALICIA

  • Gabriella is intuitive and provides advice on becoming the best version of myself. She's supportive, identifies exactly what's needed to move forward, and knows how to tap into my full potential.

    — PRAGYA

  • It's always been a bit scary for me to do things like this and this was such a wonderful experience. I feel like I was able to finally find my purpose, all while meeting a fabulous group of people along the way.


  • Gabriella’s support and guidance helped me put puzzle pieces together that have truly changed the direction of my life. She cultivated the perfect level of accountability and support using her strengths as a gifted coach, teacher and psychic.

    — MAGGIE

  • Working with Gabriella has been inspiring. She has given me so much clarity on what I desire in life and helped me strategize and take the necessary steps required to achieve it. Honestly, it's been life-changing.

    — MARK

  • Gabriella has been tremendously helpful in enabling me to progress and transform my life. She is sharp, pragmatic and honest. With her guidance, I've pushed myself in ways I never thought I would have.


Get ready for a life of alignment: full of joy, enrichment, and purpose. Living your authentic truth feels so good.

My Story

I grew up in Dubai, surrounded by different cultures and ways of life. From a young age, I was curious about the world and felt connected to those around me.

When I was seven, my family moved to Connecticut. It was the complete opposite of everything I had known. I didn’t feel like I fit in, and I began to question myself.

Throughout the years, I read many spiritual and psychology books — I used them as a way to connect to something greater than myself.

I became a high-performer, securing a job in HR at Accenture and getting promoted annually. But I felt unfulfilled, like I was wearing a mask, unable to be my true self.

I got my Master’s Degree in Organizational Behavior at the London School of Economics, and put my knowledge to use as a Leadership Coach at a high-growth start up. I was one of the key innovators behind our AI coaching product, and wrote articles for Forbes. But I lost all sense of work/life balance and suffered a major burn out.

I felt lost, disconnected and alone. I knew I had inner gifts, but I had no clue where to start or how to use them.

In 2021, I joined a spiritual community and began meditating daily. I started feeling more balanced. I put in consistent work to develop my intuitive gifts, even creating a YouTube channel to share my journey. That same year, I started taking coaching clients.

Through sharing my story and building my business, I built a following of 50,000 on YouTube, 30,000 on Instagram, and wrote 2 books. I finally felt like this was the real me — like for the first time ever, I could be authentic to who I’d always been internally.

Now I get to help people transform their lives every day. I have time for my daily yoga and walks, am more financially abundant, and have created a community of people who are dedicated to making their dreams a reality.

After helping 1,000s of people through one-on-one and group coaching, I believe it’s my purpose to help you transform. You deserve to live your most authentic life — the world is waiting on your gifts. If you see yourself in my story, let’s connect.